Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Reflections on lesson 6:)

Hey there:) It's coming to an end of this term and this is our last tutorial lesson for this year:) After this few lessons of EIR, i did learnt a lot of useful things that I have never seen through and this definitely gain my knowledge and I explore a lot from here. Apparently, for this lesson I will be reflecting on the effectiveness on invisible web vs others like search engines and meta search:).In my own opinion,I think that Invisible web is quite effective compared to search engines and meta search as it shows data-bases that are relevant to our topic and text pages, files or other high-quality World Wide Web that general-purpose search engines cannot (due to technical limitations), or will not (due to deliberate choice) add to their indices of Web pages .However, I'll still use search engines and ,meta search as each search facilities gave us different answers and topics. For example, when i'm searching for familiar topic ,I still use search engines like GOOGLE, this is always the first priority as we don't have to log in to any account ad just search for the results we want. As for unfamiliar topic, use a subject directory as it allows you to browse through relevant links and lastly, for specialized information, use invisible web (databases like EbscoHost) or intelligent agents.Therefore, different search facilities serves different purposes.

 I will use the invisible web (databases) for research in my own respective Diplomas as it helps me to search results when I couldn’t find it in search engines or meta search.

From this wiki experience, I have learnt from other people's ideas and viewpoint towards the various topic which I have not thought of before and from there I realised different kind of stories and gains more information from there and this wiki experience is useful to us as we are able to share with everyone and therefore people will know what's new that they don't know too. :)

I have read one of my classmate's blog post......
For example, Jeremy's ....
As for his Sunday, November 21, 2010's SECONDLIFE POST:)
I found it similar when he said that : " What I like about Secondlife is that one can fly around and also teleport around.With these two features,I can move and travel around easily.Flying enables me to explore the map easier,while teleportation allows me to travel around the Secondlife world without spending time travelling.Both features which are unavailable in real life."

That's what i love about Secondlife that I could fly around and teleport in there:) That's so awesome:)